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Shoulder and Arm Pain Testimonials
*Testimonials presented apply only to the individuals depicted, cannot be guaranteed, and should not be considered typical.
Shoulder Pain Relief
I must admit, I came to Dr. Aslan, and the field of Chiropractic in general, with a substantial bit of skepticism. At the initial interview, the staff (who are all wonderful, polite and knowledgeable) asks you to think hard and recite literally any malady that may ail you. In my case, they promised that, should I engage the doctor's services and follow my prescribed treatment thoroughly, I would see improvement in many of my areas of complaint. In my mind, this was the classic "snake-oil" sales pitch, but I had decided that I was going to go through with signing onto treatment regardless of my misgivings.
The thing is, they were right.
Doctor Aslan makes a point of educating his patients about his methodology, the field of chiropractic in general, and the profound interconnectedness of our biological systems; specifically - how all of our organs and functional controls must pass through the conduit of the spine. He must be on to something, because having presented to the doctor seeking help for a sore shoulder, I find myself saying goodbye to my chronic, excruciating acid reflux. So long, infrequent but painful-to-the-point-of-concern headaches. Adios, inexplicably stiff necks. You were never welcome, and I will not miss you.
It almost becomes exciting to see what new complaint I will be forever rid of as I progress along my course of treatment. I would suggest Dr. Aslan to anyone interested in pursuing chiropractic treatment, and I would assert him even more strongly to those who aren't. As the good doctor will tell you, modern (let's be frank - pharmaceutical) medicine is focused almost entirely on treating symptoms. As he concedes, it certainly has its place. But his practice, his focus, and his ethos is about treating the cause. It is a team undertaking - you must be willing to put effort into your own wellbeing. Dr. Aslan will not patch you up and send you out with a script - he will show you how to allow your body to heal itself. Maximillian S.
Dr. Stacy Aslan at Waterfront Chiropractor has helped my back. He also fixed my frozen shoulder. But the most remarkable thing he has done for me is to help me with my tics.
A couple of years ago, out of nowhere, I started having tics: verbal tics that range from chirping to hooting like a monkey, sometimes stuttering and occasional long, held tones. In addition to the vocal tics, I have physical tics that include facial grimacing and head jerking. The tics wax and wane; sometimes they are inactive for weeks, and then suddenly they take wake up again - LOUDLY. I never know when my tics might start up in the middle of a class, or a movie, or a conversation.
I went to the regular doctor. He told me I had the hiccups. I saw a neurologist, who saw nothing wrong with my "beautiful" brain (as he called it) and my psychiatrist put me on a series of anti-psychotic drugs including Risperdol, Haldol, Lorazepan and Clonodine.
One day a couple of months ago I was ticcing when I went to Waterfront Chiropractic for my regular adjustment. Dr. Aslan adjusted me in a way that he had, never done before. The tic stopped. Immediately. Immediately! I was stunned.
With weekly adjustments, my tics are improved about 80 percent. It's amazing.
Great staff, too. They always make me smile.Floraison S.